Elementor + Linkz.ai
How to add Linkz.ai link auto-preview popups to Elementor?
Prerequisite: Sign-up to Linkz.ai, add your website & get Linkz.ai code snippet
Important! You should have Elementor Pro plan to be able to add a code snippet
You can easily add Linkz.ai to your website in Elementor. There are 2 ways to install Linkz.ai in Elementor
Option 1. Install official Linkz.ai WordPress plugin
Please follow instructions here: WordPress + Linkz.ai
Option 2. Use custom code in Elementor
To do that, you would need to add Linkz.ai code snippet in your Elementor Settings.
Step 1. Go to "Elementor" in the left sidebar, then "Custom Code" and click the "New Code "button to add new code.
Step 2. As a title enter: "Linkz.ai"
Step 3. For "Location" setting, select "<body> – End"
Step 4. For "Priority" setting, select "10"
Step 5. Paste the code snippet in the text box
Step 6. Click "Publish"
Step 7. For "Condition" setting, select "Entire Site"
After you "Save" your changes, Linkz.ai would be available on all pages in your website.
See more details on "Custom Code (PRO)" on elementor.com

Updated on: 06/01/2023
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