Disable link preview on a particular hyperlink
In your HTML code, locate hyperlink element for which you don’t want to show link preview. E.g. <a href=“https://google.com”>Google</a> Add data-linkz-ai-ignore attribute to this hyperlink element . E.g. <a href=“https://google.com” data-linkz-ai-ignore>Google</a>Some readersPlacement of link preview popups
You can show link preview popups in specific webpage sections using CSS selectors. For example, it's common to display link previews in a blog post section, not in a header & footer. To do that, you need to specify the webpage's HTML elements(containers) where you want link previews to appear. Your webpage HTML markup usually looks like this:Some readersHow to enable previews for internal links?
By default, link previews appear on all external links on your website. If you want to enable link previews on internal links, you need to remove your website address from the “Skip previews for URLs”.Few readersLight/Dark theme for link preview popups
You can select the theme for the link preview popup that appears on hover to match your website color scheme. Light theme Choose "Light theme" if your website has a light background Dark theme Choose "Dark theme" if your website has a dark background Auto light/dark theFew readersHow change link preview popup content?
Linkz.ai link preview popup Linkz.ai link preview popup information gets extracted from the meta tags on the hyperlinked website. Linkz.ai will look into the main meta tags first, if they are not provided, then Open Graph and Twitter meta tags are going to be checked. If some of the meta tags are missing, e.g. no thumbnail image, that part is not going to be shown in the link previeFew readers3 ways to disable link preview on hover
There are 3 ways to disable link preview popup for hyperlinks on a webpage: To disable link previews from appearing in certain parts on the webpage, like menus, header or footer - use the "Placement" setting. If you want to disable certain types of hyperlinks, such as advertisement hyperlinks, use "Exceptions". If you want to disable just one partticular hyperlink on a webpage, use the special HTML attribute (/en/article/disableFew readersHow to override the preview URL?
In certain cases, you might want to display a preview of a different URL than the one actually linked. This can be useful if, for example, you have a middle page that users pass through before visiting a third-party link (similar to the approach used by LinkedIn or Facebook). To achieve this, you can use the data-linkz-preview-url attribute within your HTML anchor tags. By setting this attribute, you can specify a custom URL for the preview, independent of the hyperlink itself. ExampleFew readers